Liszt (Revised) Liszt: A Listener's Guide [With CD (Audio)] The Cambridge Companion to Liszt Revolution and Religion in the Music of Liszt Liszt's Final Decade Liszt the Progressive
Reflections on Liszt Liszt: Sonata in B Minor Romanticism and Film: Franz Liszt and Audio-Visual Explanation Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt Franz Liszt, His Circle, and His Elusive Oratorio Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt Ferencz (Francois) Liszt
Franz Liszt: A Research and Information Guide Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Richard Wagner Liszt and Virtuosity Liszt's Transcultural Modernism and the Hungarian-Gypsy Tradition Franz Liszt: The Final Years, 1861 1886 (Rev)
Franz Liszt: The Weimar Years, 1848 1861 (Revised) Letters of Franz Liszt (Volume I) From Paris to Rome Reading Franz Liszt: Revealing the Poetry behind the Piano Music Franz Liszt and His World Franz Liszt: The Virtuoso Years, 1811 1847 (Revised) Franz Liszt: Musician, Celebrity, Superstar The Collected Writings of Franz Liszt: Dramaturgical Leaves: Essays about Musical Works for the Stage and Queries about the Stage, Its Composers, and Perf

Franz Liszt

By DJWBookworm

Franz Liszt

Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt

Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner


Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt

Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt


Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt

Franz Liszt and Richard Wagner


Ferencz (Francois) Liszt

Frederick Corder


Franz Liszt, His Circle, and His Elusive Oratorio

Xavier Jon Puslowski


Franz Liszt: The Final Years, 1861 1886 (Rev)

Alan Walker


Letters of Franz Liszt (Volume I) From Paris to Rome

La Mara and Franz Liszt


Liszt (Revised)

Derek Watson


Liszt and the Symphonic Poem

Joanne Cormac


Liszt and Virtuosity


Liszt as Transcriber

Jonathan Kregor


Liszt: Sonata in B Minor

Kenneth Hamilton


Liszt's Final Decade

Dolores Pesce


Reflections on Liszt

Alan Walker
