Welcome to DJWBookworm!
This is a bookstore aligned to the library website www.djwbookworm.com. But it's not just for librarians - even though the other part of this site is just for librarians. It's for anyone interested in curated lists of books! A portion is lists of books about Kansas and Missouri... but also - New books arranged by genres - just like in a regular bookstore! And - award books, adult books, children's books, great series of books, new series of books, books by great authors - Something for everybody!

Smithsonian Handbooks

Smithsonian Books

2020 K-8 Action/ Adventure Fiction

NEWEST K-6 Adventure Fiction

2020 K-8 Fantasy Fiction

NEWEST K-6 Fantasy Fiction

2020 K-8 Graphic Novels

NEWEST K-6 Graphic Novels

2020 K-8 Historical Fiction