Paranormal & Supernatural Books, Page 5

Under the Bodhi Tree: A Story of the Buddha

Deborah Hopkinson and Kailey Whitman


The Deadly Bell Witch Ghost: A Ghostly Graphic

Blake Hoena and Amerigo Pinelli


Mummies Around the World

Emma Carlson-Berne


The Secret Life of the Chupacabra

Megan Cooley Peterson


The Secret Life of Mothman

Megan Cooley Peterson


My First Magic Oracle

Gwenaëlle Dudek


Chicken Soup for the Girl's Soul: Real Stories by Real Girls...

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, et al.


La Llorona: The Legendary Weeping Woman of Mexico

Megan Cooley Peterson


The Salem Witch Trials: Spot the Myths

Megan Cooley Peterson


The Secret Life of the Kraken

Benjamin Harper


Super Surprising Trivia about the Paranormal

Megan Cooley Peterson


World of Weird: A Creepy Compendium of True Stories

Tom Adams and Celsius Pictor


My Body Is a Rainbow: The Color of My Feelings

Mallika Chopra and Izzy Burton


My Feet



Horror in Texas

Sheryl Kayne
