Amouroboros Inspiration

Amouroboros Inspiration

By Amelia K.
Krapp's Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces

Krapp's Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces

Samuel Beckett

$18.00 $16.74

tried to get a Beckett quote in the introduction and his estate said no. but the content / scope of Amouroboros was very much inspired by the idea of a person looking back and honoring all the previous selves that led to the current self who is looking back (and forward). Janus with a banana in his pocket and some shit to say

A Lover's Discourse: Fragments

A Lover's Discourse: Fragments

Roland Barthes

$18.00 $16.74

one of those books where you're like oh can do that? re: the formatting

KJV Holy Bible, Gift Edition for Girls/Teens King James Version, Faux Leather Flexible Cover, Teal Butterfly

KJV Holy Bible, Gift Edition for Girls/Teens King James Version, Faux Leather Flexible Cover, Teal Butterfly

$14.99 $13.94

i had a white version of this and i drew hearts next to god's name. i'm doing better now though

The Inferno

The Inferno

Dante Alighieri

$5.95 $5.53

"Io non mori’ e non rimasi vivo; / pensa oggimai per te, s’hai fior d’ingegno, / qual io divenni, d’uno e d’altro privo."

The Collected Letters of Flann O'Brien

The Collected Letters of Flann O'Brien

Flann O'Brien

$26.00 $24.18

the working title for 'the third policeman' was 'Hell Goes Round and Round' which I also used as my original title. love this shithead

Lyrics 1964-2011

Lyrics 1964-2011

Paul Simon


i also love this shithead. all my favorite artists, regardless of modality, are not afraid to be in conversation with themselves and return to the same topics / images / themes, but with a new & evolved understanding every time. 1970 paul simon is not the same as 2010 paul simon, but he is still talking about angels and moonlight. also he has a song that mentions curly hair & there's simply never enough love for curly hair

Les Guerilleres

Les Guerilleres

Monique Wittig


"Il t’a dérobé ton savoir, il a fermé ta mémoire à ce que tu as été, il a fait de toi celle qui n’est pas celle qui ne parle pas celle qui ne possède pas celle qui n’écrit pas, il a fait de toi une créature vile et déchue, il t’a bâillonnée abusée trompée. Usant de stratagèmes, il a fermé ton entendement, il a tissé autour de toi un long texte de défaites qu’il a baptisées nécessaires à ton bien-être, à ta nature. Il a inventé ton histoire. Mais le temps vient où tu écrases le serpent sous ton pied, le temps vient où tu peux crier, dressée, pleine d’ardeur et de courage, le paradis est à l’ombre des épées."

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal about the Mind

George Lakoff


i'm a soft relativist so i don't hold to the idea that someone can never learn the structure / implied worldview of another language et cetera...hard relativism has lent itself very neatly to linguistic / pearl-clutching imperialism ("we must teach these uneducated people our educated worldview / language to save them! what about the children!!") that said, i do conceive of language as a set of eyes, and i think that some languages have concepts and frameworks that others don't, and that those concepts and frameworks inform your understanding of the world in, sometimes, absolutely gorgeous and startling ways, and that's what makes linguistic imperialism so cruel and so deadly - it takes out your eyes. anyway i had to drop out of college so i'm not a real linguist, aka take this with a Lot's wife of salt, and the reason this book is included on this list is because i named the chapters after the title. i could have just put that

William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books

William Blake: The Complete Illuminated Books

William Blake

$49.95 $46.45

'Amouroboros' as a title was inspired by Blake's drawing of the circle of the lustful

Ulysses: Second Edition

Ulysses: Second Edition

James Joyce

$12.95 $12.04

"Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home."

The Odyssey: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

The Odyssey: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)


$19.00 $17.67

i can't think of any specific way The Odyssey was an influence beyond the general idea of a circular narrative, but i spent a good portion of my childhood in trees reading my grandpa's books so i feel like those are the bay leaf in the soup of me. shout out also to jane eyre, watership down, leaves of grass, beloved, hamlet, and the metamorphoses