Books by Naomi Miller


Naomi Miller mixes up a batch of intrigue, sprinkled with Amish, Mennonite, English & Irish characters (so far), adding a pinch of mystery - and a dash of romance! Naomi's time is spent focusing on her writing, editing, and blogging about her experiences. When she's not working diligently to finish the next book in her Sweet Shop Mystery series, Naomi enjoys traveling with her family. Naomi also tries to make time for attending writer events, workshops and conferences. One of her favorite joys is meeting her readers. So far, she's traveled from Tennessee - to South Carolina, across to Alabama, up to St. Louis, and on to Illinois, and over to Ohio - to meet readers and make new friends. Naomi also enjoys singing inspirational/gospel music, taking daily walks, and witnessing to others of the amazing grace of Jesus Christ. My relationship with my Savior is the most important part of my life! If there is one thing in my life I would like to do better, it's to be able to witness of how awesome God is working in my life. He makes all things possible! He makes life worth living! He is everything to me! Naomi


Buildings of Massachusetts: Metropolitan Boston

Naomi Miller, Keith N. Morgan, et al.


Chocolate Truffle Mystery

Naomi Miller


Sophie's New Home

Naomi Miller and Macy Morrows


Christmas Cookie Mystery

Naomi Miller


Lemon Tart Mystery

Naomi Miller


Pumpkin Pie Mystery

Naomi Miller


A Mother For Leah

Naomi Miller and Rachel L. Miller


Sophie Finds a Family

Naomi Miller


Sophie Celebrates Thanksgiving

Naomi Miller
