Books by Keith Carabine


To the Lighthouse

Virginia Woolf


The Waves: The Virginia Woolf Library Authorized Edition

Virginia Woolf and Mark Hussey


The House of Mirth

Edith Wharton


The Idiot

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


David Copperfield

Charles Dickens


The Way We Live Now

Anthony Trollope


Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë


Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte



William Shakespeare



William Shakespeare


Ivanhoe (Revised)

Walter Scott


Silas Marner (Revised)

George Eliot


Dracula (Revised)

Bram Stoker



Rudyard Kipling



Mary Shelley


War and Peace (Revised)

Leo Tolstoy, Louise And Aylmer Maude, et al.


Twenty Years After

Alexandre Dumas


Wives and Daughters

Elizabeth Gaskell


The Well of Loneliness

Radclyffe Hall


The Wind in the Willows: Illustrated Edition (Union Square...

Kenneth Grahame and Robert Ingpen


The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories

Leo Tolstoy


Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen and Anna Bond


Sense and Sensibility

Jane Austen and Anna Bond



Jane Austen and Anna Bond
