Books by Eva Holland


Eva Holland is a correspondent for Outside magazine, and a former editor at Up Here, the magazine of Canada's far north. Her work has also appeared in Esquire, Wired, Bloomberg, Pacific Standard, AFAR, Smithsonian, Grantland, Seattle Met, National Geographic News, and many other outlets. Her work has been nominated for a Canadian National Magazine Award, anthologized in The Best American Science and Nature Writing, The Best Women's Travel Writing, and Best Canadian Sports Writing, and listed among the notable selections in multiple editions of The Best American Essays, The Best American Sports Writing, and The Best American Travel Writing. She lives in Canada's Yukon Territory.


JavaScript for Kids for Dummies

Chris Minnick and Eva Holland


Writing Computer Code: Learn the Language of Computers!

Chris Minnick and Eva Holland


Nerve: Adventures in the Science of Fear

Eva Holland
