Books by David R. Gross


Gross co-edited three multi-authored textbooks and published over a hundred scientific articles. -The first, second and third editions of his single author reference text; ANIMALS MODELS IN CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH (Springer, 3rd. ed., 2009) can be found in most medical libraries. Since retirement from academia, he has published: ANIMALS DON'T BLUSH a memoir of his first year in veterinary practice, MAN HUNT a historical novel about Tom Tobin, SUCCEEDING AS A STUDENT a self-help book, TRAVELS WITH CHARLIZE a memoir and travel stories with his German shepherd dog after his wife of 53 years died, A MEXICAN ADVENTURE a memoir and travel stories of the year he and his family spent in Mexico just prior to the 1968 Olympics, DEFENDER OF THE TEXAS FRONTIER, a historical novel about John Coffee Hays. He blogs at http: //


The Warrior Rabbi

David R. Gross


Safe Haven: A Historical Novel

David R. Gross
