Books by Claudia Dávila


Claudia Dávila writes, illustrates and designs books for kids of all ages including Bus to the Badlands and Ghost of the Mill House in the Orca Echoes line. She is passionate about stories and themes that encourage children to be strong, thoughtful, compassionate and responsible people. Claudia lives in Toronto.


Ruby's Birds

Mya Thompson and Claudia Dávila


Sweet!: The Delicious Story of Candy

Ann Love, Jane Drake, et al.


Move It!: Motion, Forces and You

Adrienne Mason and Claudia Dávila


Touch It!: Materials, Matter and You

Adrienne Mason and Claudia Dávila


Change It!: Solids, Liquids, Gases and You

Adrienne Mason and Claudia Dávila


Super Red Riding Hood

Claudia Dávila


Child Soldier: When Boys and Girls Are Used in War

Jessica Dee Humphreys, Michel Chikwanine, et al.


Hockey Night in Kenya

Eric Walters, Danson Mutinda, et al.



Jack Briglio and Claudia Dávila
