The 10-Day Belly Slimdown: Lose Your Belly, Heal Your Gut, Enjoy a Lighter, Younger You

Product Details
$27.00  $25.11
Publish Date
6.3 X 9.4 X 1.2 inches | 1.1 pounds
About the Author
Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND, is a board-certified naturopathic physician, a certified nutrition consultant, and the author of four books, including the New York Times bestseller Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet and The 10-Day Belly Slimdown. A concierge doctor for celebrities in New York and Los Angeles, Dr. Kellyann has been a host for Public Television specials and has been featured on Dr. Oz, The Doctors, Good Morning America, and Today.
"The best gift you can give yourself is a slim, beautiful, healthy belly--and in this book Dr. Kellyann, an expert I trust, tells you exactly how to get it."--Mehmet Oz, MD

"This isn't another gimmicky diet--it's a powerful eating strategy that will take your extra pounds off quickly, safely, and permanently."--Mark Hyman, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?

"The 10-Day Belly Slimdown is perfect for those who want to shed stubborn belly fat! What I love is that Dr. Kellyann helps you do it without sacrificing flavor! This is the perfect plan for busy women on the go."--Laila Ali, author of Food for Life, TV host, and boxing world champion

"If you're committed to achieving true health, getting rid of dangerous belly fat needs to be your top goal. In this book, Dr. Kellyann shows you how to take those pounds off and keep them off for the rest of your life. And the recipes are awesome!"--Steven Masley, MD, FAHA, FACN, CNS, CCD, author of The Mediterranean Method

"Unlike fad diets, Dr. Kellyann's plan is smart and science-based--and in addition to taking off your belly fat, it will make you younger and more beautiful all over."--Naomi Whittel, New York Times bestselling author of Glow15 and High Fiber Keto

"Dr. Kellyann is a leader in the weight-loss and anti-aging fields, and she knows her stuff. The 10-Day Belly Slimdown is simple, doable, and incredibly powerful. This plan doesn't just take pounds off your belly--it's a serious anti-aging plan that really works."--Anthony Youn, MD, FACS, America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon(TM) and author of The Age Fix