Where Your Beginning Began - Companion Guide

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8.5 X 8.5 X 0.07 inches | 0.17 pounds

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About the Author
Steve Cohen, former atheistic anti-Christ was hellbent on living for himself and ripping Christians' faith apart, until he met the God who loved him regardless of his faults. Now that same God that Steve railed against is the God he loves and serves. Steve is driven by two things, seeking what God says in every moment and doing what the Holy Spirit empowers us to do (especially loving others in the midst of our messes). These are the catalysts that drive Steve to be a catalyst of others to do the same.Author of multiple books, including What Lies Beneath, Loved As You Are, and However Long Forever, Steve passionately guides, challenges, and inspires people to reorient themselves to God and take responsibility for their relationship with Him and the people around them. Co-founder of Now Found, along with his wife, Steve utilizes workshops, videos, blogging, and books to remind us that we are all, like he was, Never Too Lost To Be Found. Steve is married to Courtney, his anchor and stabilizer, who challenges him to stay the course. Steve finds refreshing in the outdoors, hiking, camping (not glamping), swimming, and sitting under the stars he once worshipped (now worshipping their Creator). Living in Texas, Steve and Courtney lead a house church and have three children who are all beautifully unique and remind him that God truly does hear our prayers and cares about us as His children. Stay in touch with Steve at NowFound.org.
For Courtney Cohen, everything comes down to two questions: Who is God? And, who has He designed us to be? Whether she's writing, speaking, or homeschooling her children, these questions propel her forward. Author of multiple books, including The Sacred Shadow and Refining Identity, Courtney passionately helps others encounter the reality and nearness of God in everyday life. Co-founder of Now Found Ministries, along with her husband, Courtney utilizes videos, blogging, and books to encourage others towards intimate relationships with God and a deeper awareness of His Voice speaking purpose over every life. Courtney is married to Steve, her most radical supporter, who also keeps her real. Living in Texas, Courtney and Steve have three children who, simultaneously, bless her socks off and keep her on her toes. Stay in touch with Courtney at NowFound.org.