Life Sciences - Cell Biology Books

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Rebecca Skloot


How We Age: The Science of Longevity

Coleen T. Murphy


Cyber Persistence Theory: Redefining National Security in...

Michael P Fischerkeller, Emily O Goldman, et al.


Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life

Gerald H. Pollack


The Cell: A Molecular Approach

Geoffrey Cooper and Kenneth Adams


Cells, 2nd edition

Ellen Johnston McHenry


Biological Motion: A History of Life

Janina Wellmann


Essential Cell Biology

Keith Roberts, Karen Hopkin, et al.


Concepts of Biology

Samantha Fowler, James Wise, et al.


Biology Made Easy



The Cell of Life: Awakening and Regenerating

Kelly-Marie Kerr


The Sentient Cell: The Cellular Foundations of Consciousness

Arthur S. Reber, Frantisek Baluska, et al.


The Machinery of Life (2009)

David S. Goodsell


Molecular Biology of the Cell

Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, et al.
