Comparative Politics Books

The Communist Manifesto

Karl Marx


Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty

Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson


The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America

Timothy Snyder


Korea: A New History of South and North

Victor Cha and Ramon Pacheco Pardo


Socialist Reconstruction: A Better Future for the United States

Party for Socialism and Liberation


Dying by the Sword: The Militarization of Us Foreign Policy

Monica Duffy Toft and Sidita Kushi


The Populist Moment: The Left After the Great Recession

Arthur Borriello and Anton Jager


Mexico: Biography of Power (Revised)

Enrique Krauze


The Great Game, 1856-1907: Russo-British Relations in Central...

E. Eiiu Sergeev and Evgeny Sergeev
