Individual Director Books

Alfred Hitchcock Storyboards

Tony Lee Moral


Directed by Yasujiro Ozu

Shiguéhiko Hasumi


The Legend of Mad Max

Ian Nathan


The Coen Brothers: This Book Really Ties the Films Together

Adam Nayman and Telegramme Paper Co (with Oliver Staffor


Paul Thomas Anderson: Masterworks

Adam Nayman


The Apocalypse Now Book

Peter Cowie


Steve McQueen: Sunshine State

Angela Vettese


Hammer!: Making Movies Out of Life and Sex

Barbara Hammer


Directing at Disney: The Original Directors of Walt's...

Don Peri and Pete Docter


Clint Eastwood: A Biography

Richard Schickel


Career Paths of African American Directors: Pushing Boundaries

Saundra McClain and Clinton Turner Davis


Accidentally Wes Anderson

Wally Koval


The Star Wars Archives. 1999-2005. 40th Ed.

Paul Duncan


The Stanley Kubrick Archives


The Art of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Hayao Miyazaki


The Art of Castle in the Sky

Hayao Miyazaki
