Biographical - Latin America Books

Madre de Los Tiburones

Melissa Cristina Márquez and Devin Elle Kurtz


Mother of Sharks

Melissa Cristina Márquez and Devin Elle Kurtz


Colorful Mondays: A Bookmobile Spreads Hope in Honduras

Nelson Rodríguez, Leonardo Agustín Montes, et al.


Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna

Alda P. Dobbs


Digging for Words: José Alberto Gutiérrez and the Library He...

Angela Burke Kunkel and Paola Escobar


Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale

Duncan Tonatiuh


Ode to an Onion: Pablo Neruda & His Muse

Alexandria Giardino and Felicita Sala


Vitamina T for Tacos

Mando Rayo, Suzanne Garcia-Mateus, et al.


Frida Kahlo Contada Para Niños

Juli Rimondino


The Other Side of the River

Alda P. Dobbs


Berta Saves the River/Berta salva el río

Suzanne Llewellyn and Luis Chávez


La Caimana

Maria Eugenia Manrique


Mama and Papa Have a Store

Amelia Lau Carling


Vitamina T For Tacos

Mando Rayo, Suzanne Garcia-Mateus, et al.


Víctor Jara: No to Dictatorship

Bruno Doucey


La Viejita Ramonita: A Bilingual Tale

Lisette M. Diaz Aponte and Natalie D. Bunge


Emiliano Zapata, Un Sonador Con Bigotes / Emiliano Zapata, a...

Guillermo Samperio and Rita Basulto


The Caiman

María Eugenia Manrique and Ramón París
