Gothic Books

One Dark Window

Rachel Gillig


Mexican Gothic

Silvia Moreno-Garcia


The Library Thief (Original)

Kuchenga Shenjé


Two Twisted Crowns

Rachel Gillig


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Mark Twain


What Moves the Dead

T. Kingfisher


The Haunting of Hill House

Shirley Jackson


Our Share of Night

Mariana Enriquez and Pablo Gerardo Camacho


What Feasts at Night

T. Kingfisher


The Picture of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde


We Have Always Lived in the Castle: (Penguin Classics Deluxe...

Shirley Jackson and Thomas Ott


Wuthering Heights (Revised)

Emily Brontë



Daphne Du Maurier



Sarah Perry



Gabriel Smith


Frankenstein (Revised)

Mary Shelley


Vampires of El Norte

Isabel Cañas



Ainslie Hogarth


Immortal Pleasures

V. Castro


The Heiress

Rachel Hawkins


Starling House: A Reese's Book Club Pick

Alix E. Harrow


Poor Things [Movie Tie-In]

Alasdair Gray


Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë



Jane Austen and Anna Bond
