Cultural, Ethnic & Regional - Arab & Middle Eastern Books

Down with the System: A Memoir (of Sorts)

Serj Tankian


Three Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew

Avi Shlaim


Namesake: Reflections on a Warrior Woman

N. S. Nuseibeh


The Monk of Mokha

Dave Eggers


Starstruck: A Memoir of Astrophysics and Finding Light in the...

Sarafina El-Badry Nance


Water on Fire: A Memoir of War

Tarek El-Ariss


As Figs in Autumn: One Year in a Forever War

Ben Bastomski


Last to Eat, Last to Learn: My Life in Afghanistan Fighting...

Pashtana Durrani and Tamara Bralo


Seven Pillars of Wisdom

T. E. Lawrence


I Didn't Survive: Emerging Whole After Deception,...

Eugene Bach and Naghmeh Abedini Panahi


Defiant Dreams: The Journey of an Afghan Girl Who Risked...

Sola Mahfouz and Malaina Kapoor
