Museum Studies Books

Poor Artists: A Quest Into the Art World

Gabrielle de la Puente and Zarina Muhammad


A Way of Life: Notes on Ballenberg

Rolf Fehlbaum


Fashion City: How Jewish Londoners Shaped Global Style

Lucie Whitmore and Bethan Bide


America's National Gallery of Art

Philip Kopper and Publishing Office of the National Gallery of Art


The History of the Kentucky Derby in 75 Objects

Kentucky Derby Museum and Jessica K. Whitehead


The Art of Relevance

Nina Simon


Why the Museum Matters

Daniel H. Weiss


Mindful Eye, Playful Eye: 101 Amazing Museum Activities for...

Michael Garbutt, Nico Roenpagel, et al.


Decolonize Museums

Shimrit Lee


Museum Bums Notecards

Mark Small and Jack Shoulder
