Coming of Age Books, Page 100

The Trailblazers

Mastin F. Barry


The Lost and the Blind

Curtis Smith


The Mystic Finger

J. T. Valentine


Olinger Stories

John Updike


The Sun Also Rises

Rusty Davis


The Ensemble

Aja Gabel


The Impossible Fortress

Jason Rekulak


That Night in Paris

Sandy Barker



Emily Fox-Douglas


The Orange Eats Creeps

Grace Krilanovich


The Ages of Lulu: A Never Ending Dream

Almudena Grandes and Alina Reyes


The Brutal Language of Love: Stories

Alicia Erian


Forbidden Sister

V. C. Andrews


Third Wheel (Spark)

Richard R. Becker


On the Brink

Michael A. Sisti


The Last September

Elizabeth Bowen


The Good Son (First Time Trade)

Jacquelyn Mitchard


The Tie That Binds

Kent Haruf


Where Can I Take You When There's Nowhere to Go

Joe Baumann


June Bug

Chris Fabry
