Books by Tess Lewis


Tess Lewis's numerous translations from French and German include works by Philippe Jaccotte, Peter Handke, Jean-Luc Benoziglio, Klaus Merz, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and Pascal Bruckner.


One Another

Monique Schwitter


Angel of Oblivion

Maja Haderlap



Lutz Seiler


The Second Seedtime: Notebooks, 1980-94

Philippe Jaccottet


Anselm Kiefer in Conversation with Klaus Dermutz

Anselm Kiefer and Klaus Dermutz


My Mother's Tears

Michel Layaz


Notebooks, Volume 1, 1998-99: Volume 1

Anselm Kiefer


Once Again for Thucydides

Peter Handke


Sophie Taeuber-Arp: A Life Through Art

Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Silvia Boadella


Ludwig's Room

Alois Hotschnig


Stigmata of Bliss: Three Novellas

Klaus Merz


Privy Portrait

Jean-Luc Benoziglio


Seedtime III: Notebooks, 1995-1998

Phlippe Jaccottet


Distant Transit: Poems

Maja Haderlap



Hans Magnus Enzensberger


Fly Away, Pigeon

Melinda Nadj Abonji



Philippe Jaccottet


What You Can See from Here

Mariana Leky


The Questionable Ones

Judith Keller


Some Heads

Hubertus Von Amelunxen and Max Neumann


Epic Annette: A Heroine's Tale

Anne Weber


Seedtime: Notebooks, 1954-79

Philippe Jaccottet
