Books by Sharee Miller


Sharee Miller is an illustrator and author best known for her acclaimed picture book Don't Touch My Hair. Her other books include Princess Hair, Michelle's Garden: How the First Lady Planted Seeds of Change, and the graphic novel series Curlfriends. Sharee grew up in St. Thomas, where she was inspired by the bright colors and sunshine of the Caribbean. You can visit her online at


Princess Hair

Sharee Miller


Don't Touch My Hair!

Sharee Miller


Poems for the Smart, Spunky, and Sensational Black Girl

A. Garlinghouse, E. Garlinghouse, et al.


Night time Routine

Sharee Miller


Shai & Emmie Star in Break an Egg!

Quvenzhané Wallis and Sharee Miller


Shai & Emmie Star in Dancy Pants!

Quvenzhané Wallis and Sharee Miller


Shai & Emmie Star in to the Rescue!

Quvenzhané Wallis and Sharee Miller


My Hair is Fuzzy My Hair is Cute

Toni Winston and Sharee Miller


Shai & Emmie Star in Break an Egg!

Quvenzhané Wallis and Sharee Miller


Sam's Super Seats

Keah Brown and Sharee Miller


Curlfriends: New in Town (a Graphic Novel)

Sharee Miller


We Care: A First Conversation about Justice

Megan Madison, Jessica Ralli, et al.


Be, Black Girl, Be

Taylor Darks and Sharee Miller
