Books by Ronald S. Barak


Ronald S. Barak, bestselling author, Olympic athlete, law school honors graduate, and experienced courtroom lawyer, is uniquely qualified to write his novels that appeal to all political and legal thriller fans. Described by his readers as a cross between Agatha Christie, Lee Child, and John Lescroart, bestselling author Barak keeps his readers flipping the pages into the wee hours of the night. While he mostly lets his characters tell his stories, he manages to get his licks in too. Barak derives great satisfaction from knowing that his books not only entertain but also stimulate others to think about how things might be, how people can actually resolve real-world problems. In particular, Barak tackles the country's dysfunctional government representatives-not just back-seat driving criticism for the sake of being a back-seat driver, but truly framing practical remedies to the political abuse and corruption adversely affecting too many people's lives today. Barak's extensive legal background and insight allow him to cleverly pollinate his fiction and today's sad state of political reality. Barak resides in Pacific Palisades, California, where he is hard at work on his next novel, JK's Code. To learn more about Barak, visit. https: //


The Puppet Master

Ronald S. Barak


The Amendment Killer

Ronald S. Barak



Ronald S. Barak


JK's Code

Ronald S. Barak
