Books by Roger Zelazny


Roger Zelazny burst onto the SF scene in the early 1960s with a series of dazzling and groundbreaking short stories. He is the winner of six Hugo Awards, including for the novels This Immortal and the classic Lord of Light; he is also the author of the enormously popular Amber series, starting with Nine Princes in Amber. In addition to his Hugos, he went on to win three Nebula Awards over the course of a long and distinguished career. He died on June 14, 1995.


Lord of Light

Roger Zelazny



Roger Zelazny and Gerald Hausman


To Die in Italbar

Roger Zelazny


Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming

Roger Zelazny


A Farce to Be Reckoned with

Roger Zelazny


Neuf Prince D AMB Cycl 1

Roger Zelazny


Main D Oberon Cycle 4

Roger Zelazny


Cours Du Chaos Cycle 5

Roger Zelazny


A Dark Traveling

Roger Zelazny and Lebbeus Woods


This Immortal

Roger Zelazny


Damnation Alley

Roger Zelazny


Jack of Shadows: Volume 23

Roger Zelazny
