Books by Rebecca Stanborough


Rebecca Stanborough spent her teenage years in a ramshackle community house with 21 people and two bathrooms. Now she lives and writes in St. Augustine, Florida, surrounded by alligators, island rats, and roseate spoonbills, none of whom has ever asked to share her bathroom.


25 Women Who Ruled

Rebecca Stanborough


She/He/They/Them: Understanding Gender Identity

Rebecca Stanborough


25 Mujeres Que Gobernaron

Rebecca Stanborough


The Great Pyramid of Giza

Rebecca Stanborough


The Golden Gate Bridge

Rebecca Stanborough


The Great Wall of China

Rebecca Stanborough


Engineering Wonders

Rebecca Stanborough and Rebecca Stefoff


Exploring the South

Rebecca Stanborough


25 Women Who Dared to Compete

Rebecca Stanborough


Daring Women

Jill Sherman, Allison Lassieur, et al.



Danielle Smith-Llera, Rebecca Stanborough, et al.


Time Capsule History

Jessica Freeburg, Rebecca Stanborough, et al.
