Books by Patrick McCarthy


Patrick McCarthy is associate dean of libraries at Saint Louis University, where he directs the Medical Center Library. He is the author of After the Fall: Srebrenica Survivors in St. Louis, also published by the Missouri Historical Society Press.


The Legacy of Olaf Stapledon: Critical Essays and an...

Patrick McCarthy, Charles Elkins, et al.


Italy Since 1945


The French Socialists in Power, 1981-1986

Patrick McCarthy


The Romantic Fog Machine

Patrick McCarthy


The Brooding Hour

Patrick McCarthy


The Rags of Fate

Patrick McCarthy


The Uncaused Smile

Patrick McCarthy


The End Of Postwar Politics In Italy: The Landmark 1992...

Patrick McCarthy and Gianfranco Pasquino


Bosnian St. Louis: Between Two Worlds

Patrick McCarthy and Akif Cogo
