Books by Michaela Goade


Michaela Goade is a Caldecott Medal-winning illustrator (We Are Water Protectors) and graphic designer living and working in Juneau, Alaska, where she was also raised. Her childhood was spent in the forests and on the beaches of Southeast Alaska and her artistic style is rooted in the depth and beauty of its landscapes. Forever inspired by the coastal wilds of Southeast Alaska, she works to capture its magic and honor its vibrant cultures. Michaela is from the Raven moiety and Kiks.ádi Clan from Sitka, Alaska.



Brittany Luby and Michaela Goade


We Are Water Protectors: (Caldecott Medal Winner)

Carole Lindstrom and Michaela Goade


I Sang You Down from the Stars

Tasha Spillett and Michaela Goade


Berry Song (Caldecott Honor Book)

Michaela Goade


Somos Guardianes del Agua

Carole Lindstrom and Michaela Goade



Joy Harjo and Michaela Goade


Being Home

Traci Sorell and Michaela Goade
