Books by Kate Brown


Kate Brown is a humanities teacher at an international school in the UK, and a consultant on educational resources.


The Citizenship Teacher's Handbook

Stephen Fairbrass and Kate Brown


The Interlopers: Estuary birds' adventures.

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown


Trumpeters' Tribulations: Bad old days

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown


A Pirate's Life for Gabby: Book 5 of Revelry on the Estuary

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown


Must Be Christmas!: Christmas Magic on Vancouver Island

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown


Henri Sings the Blues: How to make friends

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown


"The United Acres of Sassafras" second edition color

Kate Brown, Isabel Root, et al.


Penelope Piper's Great Adventure: When Seashore Creatures...

Marlet Ashley and Kate Brown
