Books by Kat Patrick


KAT PATRICK a toujours gardé son coeur d'enfant, et c'est ainsi que l'écriture est devenue son métier. Originaire du Royaume-Uni, l'artiste a fait voyager sa plume partout autour du monde. Mais après avoir vécu en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Australie, en Islande, en France et en Patagonie, Kat vit maintenant à Glasgow, en Écosse. KAT PATRICK recently realised they never actually grew up, and so they've been trying to make a living as a writer ever since. Originally from the UK, they have written their way around the world, and after stints in New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Paris, and Patagonia, are now based in Glasgow.


Doodle Cat Wears a Cape

Kat Patrick and Lauren Farrell


Soy Dibugato

Kat Patrick



Kat Patrick and Evie Barrow


The Spectacular Suit

Kat Patrick and Hayley Wells


L'Habit Spectaculaire

Kat Patrick and Hayley Wells


The Spectacular Suit

Kat Patrick
