Books by Judy Gumbo


Judy Gumbo is one of the few female members of the original Yippies, a satirical protest group who levitated the Pentagon to stop the Vietnam War, brought the New York Stock Exchange to a halt to ridicule greed and ran a pig named Pigasus for President at the 1968 Democratic Convention. Judy received her nickname "Gumbo" from Black Panther Party leader Elridge Cleaver. Judy went on to write for the Berkeley Barb and the Berkeley Tribe, helped start a women's group, visited the former North Vietnam in 1970 then travelled the globe agitating against the war and for the liberation of women. Judy has a Ph.D. in Sociology and spent the majority of her professional career as an award-winning fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. In 2013, Judy returned to Vietnam to help celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Paris Peace Accords. She returned to Vietnam again in 2019 where she was awarded a medal from the Vietnamese government for her contributions to peace and reconciliation. Judy is the widow of Yippie founder Stew Albert and of David Dobkin, a founder of Berkeley Cohousing. She is married to distinguished historian Arthur Eckstein. She currently lives in Berkeley, California.
