Books by Ju-Chan Fulton


For their translation of One Left, Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton received an America PEN Heim Translation Grant, only the second such award for a Korean project. The Fultons have translated numerous volumes of modern Korean fiction, including the award-winning women's anthology Words of Farewell: Stories by Korean Women Writers (Seal Press, 1989) and, with Marshall R. Pihl, Land of Exile: Contemporary Korean Fiction, rev. and exp. ed. (M.E. Sharpe, 2007). The Fultons have received several awards and fellowships for their translations, including two National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellowships and a residency at the Banff International Literary Translation Centre, the first ever awarded for translators from any Asian language.


Lost Souls

Sunwon Hwang


River of Fire and Other Stories

Chŏnghŭi O


Sunset: A Ch'ae Manshik Reader

Manshik Ch'ae


Another Man's City

In-Ho Choi


The Human Jungle

Cho Chongnae



Kim Sagwa


The Moving Fortress

Hwang Sunwon


Land of Exile: Contemporary Korean Fiction: Contemporary...

Ju-Chan Fulton and Marshall R. Pihl


The Dwarf

Se-Hŭi Cho


The Catcher in the Loft

Un-Yŏng Ch'ŏn


One Left

Kim Soom



Ji-Young Gong
