Books by Jorge Gabriel Martínez Feliciano


Ernesto Javier Martínez, PhD is a queer Chicano/Puerto Rican literary critic, educator, and writer. He is a tenured faculty member in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of Oregon and an Executive Board member of the Association for Jotería Arts, Activism, and Scholarship (AJAAS). His work has received multiple recognitions, including a Lambda Literary Award in 2012. This is his debut children's book. Ernesto is also the founder of, The Femeniños Project, a children's literature and narrative film initiative exploring the relationship between queer Latino/x youth and their familias. www.femeniñ


When We Love Someone We Sing to Them: Cuando Amamos Cantamos

Ernesto Javier Martínez and Maya Christina Gonzalez
