Books by John Sutherland


John Sutherland is Emeritus Lord Northcliffe Professor of Modern English Literature at University College London and a visiting professor at the California Institute of Technology. He has published and edited numerous books, and is the author of How to Read a Novel. He writes a weekly column for The Guardian, and also writes for The New York Times Book Review and London Review of Books. He was the committee chairman for the 2005 Man Booker Prize.


The Fields of Dreams

John Sutherland


The Longman Companion to Victorian Fiction

John Sutherland


A Little History of Literature

John Sutherland


Stephen Spender: A Literary Life

John Sutherland


50 Schlüsselideen Literatur (2012)

John Sutherland


How Literature Works: 50 Key Concepts

John Sutherland


So You Think You Know Jane Austen?: A Literary Quizbook

Deirdre Le Faye and John Sutherland


How to Read a Novel: A User's Guide

John Sutherland


Make or Break: Don't Let Climbing Injuries Dictate Your Success

Dave MacLeod and John Sutherland


Curiosities of Literature: A Feast for Book Lovers

John Sutherland and Martin Rowson


Eminent Victorians

Lytton Strachey
