Books by Jamie Hogan


JAMIE HOGAN has published illustrations in newspapers, periodicals, and numerous award winning children's books including Rickshaw Girl, which was named one of the Best 100 Books by the New York Public Library and won the Jane Addams Peace Association Award and the Maine Library Association's Lupine Award; and Island Birthday, which won the 2015 Lupine Award. Jamie lives on an island in Casco Bay with her husband and daughter.


Seven Days of Daisy

Jamie Hogan


Island Birthday

Eva Murray and Jamie Hogan


A Warmer World: From Polar Bears to Butterflies, How Climate...

Caroline Arnold and Jamie Hogan


Nest, Nook, & Cranny

Susan Blackaby and Jamie Hogan


Here Come the Humpbacks!

April Pulley Sayre and Jamie Hogan


John Muir Wrestles a Waterfall

Julie Danneberg and Jamie Hogan


Tiger Boy

Mitali Perkins



Jamie Hogan


Ana and the Sea Star

R. Lynne Roelfs and Jamie Hogan


Oh, Chickadee!

Jennifer Richard Jacobson and Jamie Hogan
