Books by Jack Fritscher


With his first articles on gay culture published in 1962, Jack Fritscher, the founding San Francisco editor-in-chief of the iconic "Drummer" magazine and the longtime keeper of the "Drummer" Archives, is the award-winning author of twenty books including high-profile eyewitness memoirs of his lover Robert Mapplethorpe, his friend Larry ("The Leatherman's Handbook") Townsend, and his "gentleman caller" Tennessee Williams. Fritscher at eighty-three reaches across sixty years of gay history into his journals, heart, and memory for our lost midcentury world as he did in "Some Dance to Remember: A Memoir-Novel of San Francisco 1970-1982." His new "Profiles in Gay Courage" is holistic gay history-relevant to the present time-written by a keen eyewitness journalist. The masterful writing in this factual memoir of life with his friends is a treat for readers who wish to enjoy personal stories ticking behind famous names pegged on the gay history timeline.


California Dreamin': West Coast Directors and the Golden Age...

Jack Fritscher, Marco Siedelmann, et al.


Leather Blues: A Novel of Leatherfolk

Jack Fritscher


Chasing Danny Boy: Powerful Stories of Gay Celtic Eros

Neil Jordan and Jack Fritscher


Stonewall: Stories of Gay Liberation

Jack Fritscher


Stand By Your Man and Other Stories

Jack Fritscher


Anton LaVey Speaks

Jack Fritscher


The Life and Times of the Legendary Larry Townsend

Jack Fritscher


Castro Street Blues

Jack Fritscher
