Books by Hope Bolinger


Hope Bolinger is a literary agent with more than 1000 of her works published, including this trilogy and her superhero duology. When she isn't working five jobs or going crazy, she loves to play for her local handbell group, act in local theater, and cuddle her fat cat, Twix, against his will. She's been known to be spotted in a Red Riding Hood outfit downtown for no apparent reason and catching up with readers on social media @hopebolinger.


Vision: If You Want to Stay Sane, Don't Remember

Hope Bolinger


Picture Imperfect

Hope Bolinger and Alyssa Roat


The Cassandra Curse

Hope Bolinger


Finding Harmony

Hope Bolinger and Alyssa Roat


Curtain Call

Hope Bolinger and Alyssa Roat



Hope Bolinger


Getting Reel

Hope Bolinger and Alyssa Roat


Paintball With Dragons

Hope Bolinger


Why the Sparrow Cries

Hope Bolinger


How the Eagle Dies

Hope Bolinger


Angels Wept Tonight

Hope Bolinger
