Books by Helena Schrader


Helena P. Schrader is an established aviation author and expert on the Second World War. She earned a PhD in History (cum Laude) from the University of Hamburg with a ground-breaking dissertation on a leading member of the German Resistance to Hitler. Her non-fiction publications include "Sisters in Arms: The Women who Flew in WWII," "The Blockade Breakers: The Berlin Airlift," and "Codename Valkyrie: General Friederich Olbricht and the Plot against Hitler." In addition, Helena has published twenty historical novels and won numerous literary awards. Her novel on the Battle of Britain, "Where Eagles Never Flew," won the Hemingway Award for 20th Century Wartime Fiction and a Maincrest Media Award for Historical Fiction. RAF Battle of Britain ace Wing Commander Bob Doe called it "the best book" he had ever seen about the battle. He went on to say: "Refreshingly, it got it smack-on the way it was for us fighter pilots.


Grounded Eagles: Three Tales of the RAF in WWII

Helena Schrader


Moral Fibre: A Bomber Pilot's Story

Helena Schrader
