Books by Greg Mitchell


Greg Mitchell's books include The Beginning or the End: How Hollywood Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (The New Press) as well as The Tunnels; The Campaign of the Century, winner of the Goldsmith Book Prize and finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize; Tricky Dick and the Pink Lady, a New York Times Notable Book; So Wrong for So Long; and, with Robert Jay Lifton, Hiroshima in America and Who Owns Death? He lives in the New York City area.


Infernal City

Greg Mitchell


Journeys With Beethoven: Following the Ninth, and Beyond

Greg Mitchell and Kerry Candaele


Dracula vs. Great White Shark

Greg Mitchell


Rift Jump: Revised and Expanded Edition

Greg Mitchell


Rift Jump II: Sara's Song

Greg Mitchell


Dark Hour

Greg Mitchell
