Books by Gabrielle Grimard


GABRIELLE GRIMARD a illustré plus de 30 albums, dont Les mots volés, Quand j'avais huit ans, Fatima et les voleurs de clémentines, Aujourd'hui peut-être... et les livres de la série Petit Gnouf. Elle est aussi l'auteure-illustratrice de l'album Lila et la corneille. Gabrielle habite aux environs de Montréal. From the time she was little GABRIELLE GRIMARD loved art, dismaying her elementary school teachers by constantly drawing in class. Later Gabrielle studied art in high school and university. After her son was born, she began illustrating children's books and has now created more than 25, including When I Was Eight (Quand j'avais huit ans), Stolen Words (Les mots volés), and Not My Girl (Où est ma fille?). Lila and the Crow (Lila et la corneille) is the first book she both wrote and illustrated. She uses watercolours, gouache, and oil to create images of amazing warmth and depth. Gabrielle lives near Montreal, QC.


Kimotinâniwiw Itwêwina / Stolen Words

Melanie Florence and Gabrielle Grimard


Fre-Lila Et La Corneille

Gabrielle Grimard


Fre-Quand Javais Huit ANS

Christy Jordan-Fenton, Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, et al.


The Library Bus

Bahram Rahman and Gabrielle Grimard


A World of Mindfulness

Erin Alladin, Aino Anto, et al.


Snow Doves

Nancy Hartry and Gabrielle Grimard


La Magie de Casse-Noisette

Mireille Messier and Gabrielle Grimard


Les Colombes de Neige

Nancy Hartry and Gabrielle Grimard



Bahram Rahman and Gabrielle Grimard


Cocoa Magic

Sandra Bradley and Gabrielle Grimard


Le Long Chemin

Jean Little and Gabrielle Grimard


La Magie Du Chocolat

Sandra Bradley and Gabrielle Grimard


Le Goût de l'Espoir

Kathy Kacer and Gabrielle Grimard
