Books by Ellen Prentiss Campbell


Ellen Prentiss Campbell's collection of stories Contents Under Pressure was nominated for the National Book Award. Her debut novel The Bowl with Gold Seams received the Indy Excellence Award for Historical Fiction. A second collection of stories Known By Heart was published in 2020. Her short fiction has been recognized by the Pushcart Press. Essays and reviews appear in journals including The Fiction Writers Review, where she is a contributing editor, and The Washington Independent Review of Books. Campbell has been a Fellow at The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts several times. A graduate of The Bennington Writing Seminars and the Simmons School of Social Work, she practiced psychotherapy for many years. Campbell and her husband live in Washington, D.C. and Manns Choice, Pennsylvania. She is at work on another novel. Connect online at


The Bowl with Gold Seams

Ellen Prentiss Campbell


Frieda's Song

Ellen Prentiss Campbell
