Books by Ed Davis


Ed Davis began his writing career forty years ago, pausing in boxcars, under streetlamps and in hobo jungles to record the beats and rhythms of the road as he caught freight trains and vagabonded around the Pacific Northwest and Canada. In the decades since, while his destinations and modes of travel may have changed, his quest to capture the essence of the traveling experience has remained true. Davis lives a short distance from Jack London's famous Beauty Ranch and from the sprawling institution that is the setting for his latest story, "In All Things". During the summer of 1970, when he was just seventeen, he enrolled in the psychiatric technician training program at Sonoma State Hospital in Eldridge, California. Now, over forty years after completing his training, Davis has penned a fictionalized account of his experiences. "In All Things" offers a candid perspective on the way things used to be inside the wards and behind the closed doors of US mental institutions.


The Measure of Everything

Ed Davis


The Psalms of Israel Jones

Ed Davis


Road Stories

Ed Davis


A Matter of Time

Ed Davis


The Last Professional

Ed Davis and Colin Elgie


The Gentle Art of Listening

Ed Davis
