Books by Doogie Horner


Doogie Horner is an author, illustrator, and comedian. His previous books are 100 Ghosts: A Gallery of Harmless Haunts and Everything Explained Through Flowcharts, and his humor writing and illustration have appeared in Wired, Fast Company, Playboy, McSweeney's, The Believer, The London Times, and BoingBoing. He lives in New York City.


100 Ghosts: A Gallery of Harmless Haunts

Doogie Horner


Kid Artists: True Tales of Childhood from Creative Legends

David Stabler and Doogie Horner


Kid Athletes: True Tales of Childhood from Sports Legends

David Stabler and Doogie Horner


Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from America's...

David Stabler and Doogie Horner


Kid Authors: True Tales of Childhood from Famous Writers

David Stabler and Doogie Horner


This Might Hurt a Bit

Doogie Horner


The Adventures of Invisible Boy

Doogie Horner


Christmas in the Batcave: A Brave, Bold, and Utterly...

Doogie Horner and Christian Cornia
