Books by David Gerrold


David Gerrold is an award-winning author and screenwriter. He wrote numerous books, including the War Against the Chtorr series, the Star Wolf series, and the novelette The Martian Child, which won both Hugo and Nebula Awards and was later adapted into a film. He also wrote the script for the original Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles."


Encounter at FarPoint

David Gerrold


The Martian Child

Gerrold David


Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 2 May 2013

Mercedes Lackey and David Gerrold


Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 14, May 2015 (Heinlein Special)

Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven, et al.


Battle for the Planet of the Apes

David Gerrold


The Man Who Folded Himself

David Gerrold


Entanglements And Terrors

David Gerrold
