Books by Christopher Hitchens


Christopher Hitchens was the author of numerous books, including the controversial international bestseller God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.



Christopher Hitchens


Arguably: Essays

Christopher Hitchens


The Trial of Henry Kissinger

Christopher Hitchens


Civilization and Its Discontents

Sigmund Freud


Thomas Jefferson: Author of America

Christopher Hitchens


Is Christianity Good for the World?

Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson


Hitch-22: A Memoir

Christopher Hitchens


God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

Christopher Hitchens


Hitchens vs. Blair

Christopher Hitchens and Tony Blair


Letters to a Young Contrarian

Christopher Hitchens


Why Orwell Matters

Christopher Hitchens


Thomas Paine's Rights of Man: A Biography

Christopher Hitchens


George Orwell: Diaries

George Orwell



George Orwell


Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays

Christopher Hitchens
