Books by Chris Linder


Chris Linder currently holds a faculty position in College Student Affairs Administration and the Institute for Women's Studies at the University of Georgia. She believes in centering the voices of historically minoritized people in higher education. One way in which she puts this value into practice is through research that fosters equitable campus environments, with an explicit focus on race and gender. Her research is informed by her work in a campus-based women's center, where she supported survivors of sexual violence. Most recently, her research has focused on ways campus activists use their voices to elevate sexual violence as an important national issue. As a power-conscious educator, Chris also works to expose power in dominant narratives. Specifically, she examines the intersection of racism and sexual violence in historical and contemporary contexts.


Identity-Based Student Activism: Power and Oppression on...

Alex C. Lange, Meg E Evans, et al.


Thinking Like an Abolitionist to End Sexual Violence in...

Niah S. Grimes, Chris Linder, et al.
