Books by Barry Tutor


Barry Tutor has spent more than a decade of his life caring for loved ones with Alzheimer's disease. He was the sole caregiver for his mother for about five years before she finally moved into a care facility, where she lived for more than two years before finally succumbing to the disease. His wife, who suffers from Early Onset Alzheimer's, has been struggling for more than twelve years, and Tutor is her sole caregiver. For a while, he was the sole caregiver for both at the same time. Needless to say, Tutor has a lot of firsthand experience with Alzheimer's disease, although he will be the first to tell you that he is no expert. But, because Alzheimer's is such a huge issue-at least five million people in the United States suffer from the disease, for which there is no cure and which always ends in death-Tutor felt compelled to compile his thoughts, experiences, and stories into a book. "Never Giving Up & Never Wanting To" is Tutor's book. This is not any kind of definitive guide to the disease, nor is it even a road map; because the disease is different in every "victim," writing either would be a challenge, even for the most knowledgeable professional. Instead, this book strives to aid anyone who has taken up the mantle of caring for an Alzheimer's patient. There are facts, descriptions of what different symptoms can look like in the real world (and how they can be different between different victims), advice on topics, such as looking at care facilities or what kinds of equipment you may need for home care, and an abundance of personal stories that will inspire you and remind you that you are definitely not alone in this fight. This book is a true labor of love and is sure to be appreciated by anyone who is dealing with Alzheimer's in their family.
