Books by Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo is a storyteller, poet, artist and illustrator. Her recent book, The Day the Earth Rose Up, is her Lakota version of the story of the Pleiades star constellation. She is a member of the Lower Brule Lakota Nation, Kul Wicasa Oyate, Lower Brule, South Dakota. Alfreda grew up surrounded by her tiyóspaye, her circle of family and friends and uses stories she heard as a child, along with various art forms, in all her work. "As long as I have a story left to tell, I feel I have a responsibility to gift that story forward." Alfreda currently lives in beautiful Palisade, Colorado.


The Day the Earth Rose Up

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


The Land Grab

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


Please Don't Step on Me

Elly Kree-George, Jesse T. Hummingbird, et al.


How the Oceans Came to Be

Arvis Boughman and Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


Roan Stallion

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


Father Eagle and the Hunter

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


The Cottonwood Sings

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo


The River Run

Alfreda Beartrack-Algeo
