Books by Alexandra Lange


Alexandra Lange is an architecture and design critic whose essays, reviews, and features have appeared in design journals, New York magazine, the New Yorker, the New York Times, Curbed, Design Observer, Dezeen, and many other publications. She received a PhD in twentieth-century architecture history from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University. She is the author of Writing about Architecture: Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities, the e-book The Dot-Com City: Silicon Valley Urbanism, and co-author of Design Research: The Story that Brought Modern Living to American Homes. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.


Serious Play: Design in Midcentury America

Monica Obniski and Darrin Alfred


Penser Management: Pratiques et méthodes de déploiement d'une...

David Autissier, Sébastien Houlière, et al.


Penser digital: Les RH au coeur de la dynamique de...

Ag2r Gie, Alexandra Lange, et al.
