
Product Details
Outskirts Press
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6.0 X 9.0 X 0.86 inches | 1.24 pounds
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About the Author
I am an antagonist, usually on the side of the underdog. I have spent the majority of my life fighting for what I believe is right, whether it is on a personal level or for the public weal. The direction my life has taken is not what I would have envisioned three decades ago. There has been something missing for quite a long time%u2026%u2026%u2026.writing. I have always wanted to write, whether it be political commentary or as an essayist. I have not always wanted to write fiction. It was not until my last attempt to grasp the meaning of the Vietnam War that it occurred to me that one way of dealing with that fiasco was to write a novel about my experiences. The result of that effort is the novel%u2026%u2026.Longworth. I am a well-educated (masters degree in intellectual history) middle-aged man who has unfulfilled dreams. Even after having lived in countless locations throughout the world and cherishing many life-altering experiences, there remains a void that I have been unable to fill. While I think and hope that this literary direction will satisfy that fundamental craving, I have yet to conclude that it has. I have been told numerous times that I am a captivating speaker, as well as a compelling writer. While this is my first work of fiction (I have already begun two additional novels, one about a cynical middle-aged man who finds himself merely a cog in the machinery of life and the other a work of science fiction), I have attempted to bring my worldview and my non-fictional biases to focus on this project. I have created what I believe to be a work that might justifiably be compared to other well-received coming of age novels. The difference between the standard %u2018coming of age%u2019 novel and mine is the history lesson that accompanies the trip through time. Hopefully, you will agree that this approach sets this one apart from the rest.

I appreciated the history, the military terminology and the descriptions of the inner-workings of the military. While this book is a work of fiction, it gives the reader a glimpse of that era through the eyes of someone who has experienced, first-hand, the life of our military men and women during that time.

This novel hits the mark on what many people in the mid to late 60s experienced. You don't need to have experienced Viet Nam to appreciate the book. It has experiences that we all have gone through in life or if young could go through in your life.

I was very taken aback by how much I did not know about the war in Vietnam. This may be listed as fiction, but I believe it is much closer to non fiction. It was a real eye opener. Great reading, The story and the human interest content were a pleasure to explore and I will highly recommend this book to everyone.

Longworth, is that rare book that takes one directly back into the Vietnam Era and causes one to relive all chaos and magic of that pivotal time. It is not a 'warm and fuzzy' book. One doesn't curl up with it, in front of a slow, crackling fire, with a glass of chardonnay and a kitty on the tummy. Rather, one takes a long, hard jog to shake off the never-addressed frustrations of a generation whose heroes were all assassinated.