WashMasks Booklist
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En El Tiempo de Las Mariposas = In the Time of the Butterflies
Julia Alvarez
Binding: Paperback
$16.74 $18.00
La Llaman América
Luis J. Rodríguez and Luis J. Rodriguez
Binding: Hardcover
$15.76 $16.95
Quizás Algo Hermoso: Cómo El Arte Transformó Un Barrio (Maybe Something Beautiful Spanish Edition)
Theresa Howell, F. Isabel Campoy, et al.
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
El Épico Fracaso de Arturo Zamora / The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora
Pablo Cartaya
Binding: Paperback
$8.36 $8.99
Yo Soy Muslim: A Father's Letter to His Daughter
Mark Gonzales and Mehrdokht Amini
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
The Other Half of Happy: (Middle Grade Novel for Ages 9-12, Bilingual Tween Book)
Rebecca Balcárcel
Binding: Hardcover
$15.80 $16.99
Somos Como Las Nubes / We Are Like the Clouds
Jorge Argueta, Alfonso Ruano, et al.
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale
Duncan Tonatiuh
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
Yes! We Are Latinos: Poems and Prose about the Latino Experience
Alma Flor Ada, F. Isabel Campoy, et al.
Binding: Paperback
$9.25 $9.95
The Lizard and the Sun / La Lagartija Y El Sol
Alma Flor Ada
Binding: Paperback
$8.36 $8.99
We Are Here to Stay: Voices of Undocumented Young Adults
Susan Kuklin
Binding: Hardcover
$20.45 $21.99
Us, in Progress: Short Stories about Young Latinos
Lulu Delacre
Binding: Paperback
$9.29 $9.99
Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies
Laura Esquivel
Binding: Paperback
$15.81 $17.00
Sharuko: El Arqueólogo Peruano Julio C. Tello / Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. Tello
Monica Brown and Elisa Chavarri
Binding: Hardcover
$19.48 $20.95
Antes de Ser Libre (Before We Were Free) (Bound for Schools & Libraries)
Julia Alvarez and Liliana Valenzuela
Binding: Prebound
$27.20 $29.25
MIS DOS Pueblos Fronterizos
David Bowles and Erika Meza
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
Un Tren Llamado Esperanza / A Train Called Hope
Mario Bencastro and Robert Casilla
Binding: Library Binding
$17.62 $18.95
Isabel and Her Colores Go to School
Alexandra Alessandri and Courtney Dawson
Binding: Hardcover
21 Cousins
Diane de Anda and Isabel Muñoz
Binding: Paperback
$6.50 $6.99
13th Street #2: The Fire-Breathing Ferret Fiasco
David Bowles and Shane Clester
Binding: Paperback
13th Street: Battle of the Bad-Breath Bats
David Bowles and Shane Clester
Binding: Paperback
$6.50 $6.99
The Witch Owl Parliament (Clockwork Curandera, Volume I): (Clockwork Curandera, Volume I)
Stacey Robinson, Damian Duffy, et al.
Binding: Paperback
$17.62 $18.95
La Educación de Margot Sánchez / The Education of Margot Sanchez
Lilliam Rivera
Binding: Paperback
$10.23 $11.00
Pura's Cuentos: How Pura Belpré Reshaped Libraries with Her Stories
Annette Bay Pimentel and Magaly Morales
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
My Very Own Room: Mi Propio Cuartito
Amada Irma Perez and Maya Christina Gonzalez
Binding: Prebound
$20.83 $22.40
VIVí En El Cerro Mariposa (I Lived on Butterfly Hill)
Marjorie Agosin, Lee White, et al.
Binding: Paperback
$9.29 $9.99
I Lived on Butterfly Hill (Reprint)
Marjorie Agosin and Lee White
Binding: Paperback
$9.29 $9.99
Juliet Respira Profundo / Juliet Takes a Breath
Gabby Rivera
Binding: Paperback
$12.97 $13.95
Juliet Takes a Breath: The Graphic Novel
Gabby Rivera and Celia Moscote
Binding: Paperback
$13.94 $14.99
El Libro de Los Americanos Desconocidos / The Book of Unknown Americans = The Book of the Unknown Americans
Cristina Henríquez
Binding: Paperback
$15.76 $16.95
Drum Dream Girl: How One Girl's Courage Changed Music
Margarita Engle and Rafael López
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
Quinito's Neighborhood / El Vecindario de Quinito
Ina Cumpiano and José Ramírez
Binding: Paperback
$11.11 $11.95
Just Ask!: Be Different, Be Brave, Be You
Sonia Sotomayor and Rafael López
Binding: Hardcover
$16.73 $17.99
¡Solo Pregunta!: Sé Diferente, Sé Valiente, Sé Tú
Sonia Sotomayor and Rafael López
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
Turning Pages: My Life Story
Sonia Sotomayor and Lulu Delacre
Binding: Hardcover
$16.73 $17.99
The Beloved World of Sonia Sotomayor
Sonia Sotomayor
Binding: Paperback
$10.22 $10.99
El Mundo Adorado de Sonia Sotomayor / The Beloved World of Sonia Sotomayor
Sonia Sotomayor
Binding: Paperback
$12.04 $12.95
Pasando Páginas: La Historia de Mi Vida
Sonia Sotomayor, Lulu Delacre, et al.
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
The Secret Footprints
Julia Alvarez and Fabin Negrin
Binding: Paperback
$7.43 $7.99
Ultima Parada de la Calle Market = Last Stop on Market Street
Matt De La Pena
Binding: Hardcover
$19.52 $20.99
Last Stop on Market Street
Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
All the Way to Havana
Margarita Engle and Mike Curato
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
Bravo!: Poems about Amazing Hispanics
Margarita Engle and Rafael López
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
The Upside Down Boy / El Niño de Cabeza
Juan Felipe Herrera and Elizabeth Gomez
Binding: Paperback
$11.11 $11.95
Abuela's Weave (Revised)
Omar S. Castañeda and Enrique O. Sanchez
Binding: Paperback
$11.11 $11.95
Abuela (Spanish Edition)
Arthur Dorros and Sandra Marulanda Dorros
Binding: Paperback
$8.36 $8.99
The Crossover Graphic Novel
Kwame Alexander and Dawud Anyabwile
Binding: Paperback
$14.87 $15.99
Con Una Estrella En La Mano (with a Star in My Hand): Rubén Darío
Margarita Engle and Alexis Romay
Binding: Paperback
$11.15 $11.99
The Serpent's Secret (Kiranmala and the Kingdom Beyond #1): Volume 1
Sayantani DasGupta
Binding: Paperback
$8.36 $8.99
Con Una Estrella En La Mano (with a Star in My Hand): Rubén Darío
Margarita Engle and Alexis Romay
Binding: Hardcover
$17.66 $18.99
Super Cilantro Girl / La Superniña del Cilantro
Juan Felipe Herrera and Honorio Robledo Tapia
Binding: Paperback
$10.18 $10.95
Ada's Violin: The Story of the Recycled Orchestra of Paraguay
Susan Hood and Sally Wern Comport
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
The Woman Who Outshone the Sun/La Mujer Que Brillaba Aun Mas Que El Sol: The Legend of Lucia Zenteno/La Leyenda de Lucia Zentgeno
Rosalma Zubizarreta, Alejandro Cruz Martinez, et al.
Binding: Paperback
$11.11 $11.95
Esperanza Renace (Esperanza Rising) (Turtleback School & Library)
Pam Munoz Ryan
Binding: Prebound
$19.62 $21.10
Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/La Historia de Dolores Huerta Y César Chávez (Bilingual English-Spanish)
Monica Brown and Joe Cepeda
Binding: Hardcover
$18.59 $19.99
Side by Side/Lado a Lado: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez/La Historia de Dolores Huerta Y César Chávez (Bilingual English-Spanish)
Monica Brown and Joe Cepeda
Binding: Paperback
$9.29 $9.99
Dolores Huerta: A Hero to Migrant Workers
Sarah Warren and Robert Casilla
Binding: Hardcover
$16.73 $17.99
City of the Beasts
Isabel Allende and Margaret Sayers Peden
Binding: Paperback
$14.87 $15.99