Food Science - Food Safety & Security Books

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair


Empty Plates: The Evolution of Hunger Relief, Until All Are Fed

Dave Krepcho and Claire Strom


It's Not a Cow

Phil Bass


What A Farmer Wants You to Know About Food

Dennis Bulani


Chemicals in our Food

Kevin B. Dibacco


Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops: Preharvest,...

Carlos H. Crisosto, James F. Thompson, et al.


Local: The New Face of Food and Farming in America

Douglas Gayeton


Chemistry and Biochemistry of Food (Revised and Extended)

Jose Pérez-Castiñeira


Lebensmittelanalytik (7. Aufl. 2021)

Reinhard Matissek and Markus Fischer


Farm: The Making of a Climate Activist

Nicola Harvey


A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons:...

Friedrich Christian Accum
